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from the past to the music we now see


     There were a lot of things that I wanted to do when I was a kid. My mom always carried a small notebook and one black pen in her bag and I always asked her to draw something for me, then I drew some strokes and so on.  I started playing the piano because of my brother, I used to listen to the music that my dad listened to. My dream job as a kid who loves to draw was to be an artist or an architect, but this dream soon vanished when someone told me that mathematics was important to become an architect (which is the thing I’m definitely not really good at). So I decided to carry on developing my musical skills (my dream path) and my passion for art is just another hobby and now it fades away.


     I think art sometimes calms me down for some reason. Arts can also reveal different meanings depending on one person’s perspective. Art and music bring me somewhere where I can best be myself.  It’s another place where I can explore many things that answer the questions I am asking myself, it reminds us of the beauty that we all experience every single day not only in the art galleries or the exhibitions, but also the beauty we find all around us. To me, Art and Music are essential expressions that remind me that I’m still existing as a human being in a world that keeps changing, motivating me to stay alive and see the world.

     Currently, I’m into the art of pop music album covers. I find it fascinating. There are so many interesting artworks that I still need to explore because nowadays before we experience the music, the first thing that we experience is the artwork cover. The visual impression of an album is the first thing we actually experience and it stays in our minds. I realized that the covers of the pop music I listen to, even when I accidentally hear it somewhere, stay in my mind and are the main thing I do remember. 

     Album covers influence how listeners experience music. To me, It is a door to another place, a door to new experiences. So I decided that I wanted to create visual covers for the classical pieces that are part of my repertoire this year. The idea of artwork-making for this project was also inspired by the projects from art students, reconnecting me with what I used to dream of when I was young, and imagined myself studying visual arts.  Now, as a music student, I just want to combine the two things together and I don’t want to lose them both, a dream of a younger me and a dream of me at this moment.

Through this website, I will share with you my research, my creative process, and finally, my own fixed cover designs and videos of my interpretations of the pieces which integrate the visual elements that I created in response to the music.

"  There's a point, 7,000 RPM

where everything fades.

The machine becomes weightless.

Just disappears.

And all that's left is a body

moving through space and time.


7,000 RPM.

That's where you meet it.

You feel it coming.

Creeps up on you,  close in your ear.

Asks you a question.

The only question that matters.


Who are you?  "

Ford v Ferrari (2019)

Visual Arts & Musical Perception;

     As humans, In our everyday life, we travel through space and time. Music exists in time, and art exists in space.  Art is something we can see or even touch, but music is invisible, we can’t even see it. It exists only in time.  What they have in common is that they trigger feelings, they connect us to our emotions.  move in parallel lines and meet. When combined, they are almost like a reflection of each other. Same story, same meaning, same feeling, but different in the ways we actually perceive them.


     Time flies and people's lifestyles are changing too. Pictures, shapes, and colors are things that people sense with their eyes. Sounds, and frequencies, people are sensing by their feelings. The evolution of the art of the album cover reminds us that today, art is one of the ingredients essential to the production of music, which also represents the ideal of the artist in a unique way. Art makes people consume music more because it influences their perception and adds a level of beauty to the invisible musical content. music embraces art, art embraces music and those combine art forms embrace us.

"A picture exists in space, music exists in time."
- Jean-David Caillouët

Background study

Glass of Milk

Sound and Visuals

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